Tags : Washington

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¿Peligra la contraofensiva ucraniana con la filtración de datos en

DW – La divulgación de presuntos documentos confidenciales parece haber cambiado los planes de Kiev, según CNN. Expertos consultados por DW no están tan seguros. Imagen referencial sobre la filtración de datos sobre Ucrania. La filtración de presuntos documentos secretos estadounidenses que se hizo pública la semana pasada, sería uno de los mayores escándalos de espionaje […]readmore

LPR Noticias Noticias Noticias del mundo US Noticias

Seúl y Washington realizarán simulación teórica que contempla ataque nuclear

DW – Corea del Sur y EE.UU. realizarán un ejercicio de simulación teórica en febrero que contempla un ataque nuclear por parte de Corea del Norte, según un plan de Defensa de Seúl. Maniobra militar entre EE. UU. y Corea del Sur, en 2022. La planificación anual del Ministerio de Defensa Nacional de Corea del Sur que […]readmore

US Noticias

Obama insiste en aprobar tratado de comercio TPP

El presidente Barack Obama intenta promover la aprobación por parte del Congreso del tratado de libre comercio con 12 países de la cuenca del Pacífico aprovechando la visita del primer ministro de Singapur, Lee Hsien Loong, a Washington que culmina este martes con una cena de estado. La aprobación del tratado parece cada vez más […]readmore

Noticias del mundo

Gulen Accuses Erdogan of ‘Slow-motion Coup’ in Turkey

VOA News The U.S.-based exiled cleric accused by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of being behind Turkey’s attempted coup has accused the Turkish president of «turning a failed putsch into a slow-motion coup of his own against constitutional government.» Writing Tuesday in the New York Times, Fethullah Gulen called Erdogan’s accusation of involvement in the attempted […]readmore


Images in Washington Exhibit Reflect a Transforming America

A new exhibit at The Phillips Collection in Washington, titled «American Moments,» is a collection of more than 130 photographs taken during the 1930s to the ’60s by some of the most prominent photographers in the country. Curator Renée Maurer said the images help to tell the story of a transforming America. “While putting the show together […]readmore


Progressives gird for Capitol Hill battle

Washington  — Washington is entering a new era of kamikaze governance, this time with Democrats at the helm. Thursday night’s spending showdown saw progressive Democrats unexpectedly emerge as the agitators ready to drive the nation off a cliff to win concessions — and progressives say it will happen again. «The fight last night was a […]readmore

US Noticias

Supreme Court Hands Gay Marriage a Tacit Victory

WASHINGTON — In a move that may signal the inevitability of a nationwide right to same-sex marriage, the Supreme Court on Monday let stand appeals court rulings allowing such unions in five states.   The development, a major surprise, cleared the way for same-sex marriages in Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. Officials in Virginia […]readmore

US Noticias

Obama and Equal Pay For Women

Washington (agencies). The United States President, Barack Obama, spoke Saturday in favour of equal pay for women, emphasizing a topic of great importance to the Democrats, who seek to capture the women’s vote with a view to the upcoming elections. «It is unfair. And in 2014, is a shame. Women deserve to earn the same for doing the same […]readmore