Venezuela’s political standoff deepened Wednesday as tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets in several cities and opposition leaders called for a general strike later this week. At one of the demonstrations in Venezuelan capital Caracas, Jesus Torrealba, secretary general of the opposition party, announced the 12-hour strike for Friday as another attempt […]readmore
A medida que aumenten las bajas en Irak y Siria, el grupo Estado islámico se verá obligado a concentrarse en mantener la capital del autodenominado califato. El temor de que el grupo Estado islámico esté comenzando a concentrarse en su autodenominada capital de Raqqa, en territorio sirio, y que pueda lanzar ataques desde allí, ha […]readmore
Álvaro Algarra – Caracas, Venezuela Voz de América Piden a los ciudadanos que se queden en sus casas “como medida de protesta» por la suspensión del revocatorio contra Maduro. La oposición venezolana convocó a una huelga general de 12 horas en protesta por la suspensión del referendo revocatorio en contra del presidente Nicolás Maduro, pese […]readmore
Voz de América Un reporte establece que 85 banqueros han sido acusados de algún delito y 36 han sido enviados a prisión, pero rara vez se trata de banqueros de importancia. Un cuerpo de vigilancia gubernamental en Estados Unidos propuso una nueva forma de hacer que los banqueros respondan por los delitos y fraudes cometidos […]readmore
Final demolition work began at the “jungle” refugee shelter in Calais, France, Thursday morning after authorities declared the camp empty a day earlier. Workers used large construction equipment and machines to rip down the make-shift shelters, some of which had been badly burned by refugees setting fires Wednesday before they were forced to leave. Firefighters […]readmore
Brian Padden VOA News SEOUL — U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday refuted the assessment made this week by the U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, in which he said that trying to persuade North Korea to denuclearize «is probably a lost cause.” “We will not accept North Korea as a nuclear […]readmore
VOA/AP PORTLAND, MAINE — The government says the average American ate nearly a pound more seafood in 2015 than he or she did the previous year. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released the statistic Wednesday along with its annual Fisheries of the United States report. It says per capita consumption of seafood grew to 7 […]readmore
VOA News Wildlife populations across the globe have dropped nearly 60 percent since 1970 and human activity is to blame, according to a report released by conservation groups. The joint report produced by the World Wildlife Fund and the Zoological Society of London warned that if the current trends continue, the decline in world populations […]readmore
The Providence Police Department’s Annual Commendation Awards Ceremony Awards presented were the Mayor’s, Commissioner’s, and Chief’s Awards, the Citizen’s, Outside Agency, Fraternal Order of Police (F.O.P), Community Service Awards. The prestigious Rhea Archambault Award was also presented. This award represents the best overall performance by an individual police officer or officers for a particular calendar […]readmore
VOA News A U.S. government oversight body is proposing a way to hold banking and investment executives more accountable for criminal activity and fraud committed by staffers against their customers. An inspector general is suggesting that top Wall Street executives be required to sign an annual statement promising that criminal or civil fraudulent activity did […]readmore