Rhode Island – Rhode Island Housing announced that it has received federal tax credits for two developments to provide 107 affordable housing in the city of Providence. One project will be at Sankofa Apartments which will include 50 rental units at an affordable price on vacant land in the neighborhood of West Elmwood. The second […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I., Feb 27, 2014 –New data released today by the Latino Policy Institute<http://rwu.edu/about/partnerships-initiatives/lpi> (LPI) at Roger Williams University<http://rwu.edu/> and HousingWorks RI<http://www.housingworksri.org/>reveals a persistent housing cost burden for Latino renter households in Rhode Island. The new infographic measures the decreased purchasing power facing these Latino households by quantifying the amount of money being spent on […]readmore
Rhode Island – The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLU for its acronym in English) has filed a lawsuit fees charged by the state authorities and correctional police by public records. The ACLU filed the lawsuit on behalf of a group of residents of Olneyville to which they are being charged $ 2.0000 per […]readmore
Family Service of Rhode Island senior vice president Susan Erstling, LICSW, Ph.D. will provide her expertise on military family trauma in an upcoming presentation focusing on the children and adolescents of service personnel. Dr. Erstling heads an evidence-based Family Service of Rhode Island trauma program caring for Rhode Island military families with past, current or […]readmore
Pawtucket, RI – Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island continues a free Wellness Lecture Series featuring a diverse menu of health and wellness programs in Spanish at Progreso Latino, Inc. The series offers the expertise of physicians and other health care professionals. All of the lectures will take place from 10 to 11 am at Progreso […]readmore
PAWTUCKET— Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island, in cooperation with the American Lung Association, will sponsor a workshop designed to educate and help people who want to quit smoking. The course will be held at Memorial Hospital on February 24, March 3, 10, 17, 19, 24, 31 and April 7, 2014 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. […]readmore
WARWICK –To raise awareness about Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence (RICADV) has been hosting an Instagram contest throughout February that promotes healthy relationships. Using the hashtag #KNOWwhatloveis, Rhode Island residents between the ages of 12 and 24 can post photos to the RICADV’s Instagram account (@nomoreri) […]readmore
Please join Navigant Credit Union and Rhode Island Legal Services to our next Business Owners meeting at our NAVIGANT CREDIT UNION BRANCH in Central Falls. In an effort to assist local merchants with their needs, keynote speaker, Elizabeth Segovis, Esq. Director of Training and Supervision – RI Legal Services, will share valuable information. She will […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI (February 7, 2014) – Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island (BCBSRI) announced that the call for applications for the 20th Annual Worksite Health Awards, which recognize Rhode Island companies with successful workplace wellness programs, is open now through Friday, February 28. In partnership with the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce, BCBSRI […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI, Feb. 5, 2014 – Amica Insurance, in partnership with United Way of Rhode Island, Crossroads Rhode Island and the Rhode Island Community Food Bank, began the Amica $75,000 Community Challenge on Tuesday. The Community Challenge, now in its second year, encourages people and businesses to make donations to the three charitable organizations between […]readmore