Survey updates scope of municipal licenses, permits


PROVIDENCE, R.I. — The Rhode Island Division of Municipal Finance has issued its survey of municipal license and permit fees for Rhode Island Cities and Towns. The survey, one of many prepared by the local government assistance unit, was prepared for use by municipal and state officials as an easy reference. It includes many of the more common licenses and permits issued by cities and towns.

When utilizing the survey data, it is important to keep in mind that particular licenses or fees may vary by definition from one community to the next. For example, a carnival in one town may require a «special events» license; a carnival in another town may require an «exhibition & performances» license; while in a third municipality, it may require a carnival license.

This survey was conducted by the Division of Municipal Finance with the cooperation of city and town clerks throughout Rhode Island and we gratefully acknowledge their assistance.

Questions or comments may be directed to Susanne Greschner, chief of the division, using the link shown below.

Or, by contacting Paul Grimaldi, chief of information and public relations of the Rhode Island Department of Revenue; by email, or by phone, (401) 754-8766.
