Governor, First Gentleman Host RI Kids’ Healthy Recipe Luncheon

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo and First Gentleman Andy Moffit, in
partnership with the Rhode Island Community Food Bank and Eat Drink RI,
hosted a luncheon to recognize the winners of the RI Kids’ Healthy Recipe
Press Conference Podcast
«As a mom, I know how important it is to start healthy eating habits from a young
age,» Raimondo said. «My family and I had a great time getting to know the finalists
and sharing stories from the kitchen. Thank you to everyone involved for your passion
and dedication to creating a healthier Rhode Island.»
«This recipe challenge has been a great way to showcase the talent of our young
chefs,» Moffit said. «Kids from all over Rhode Island submitted impressive recipes,
and I can’t wait to try them out at home. Thank you to all of the creative students
who participated, our fantastic judges and our partners, Eat Drink RI and the Rhode
Island Community Food Bank, for their generous support.»
The kitchen at the Rhode Island Community Food Bank prepared and served the winning
dishes to finalists and their families, along with local elected officials and
community members. The Governor’s Office received 126 recipes for starters, entrees and desserts
from 5th-8th graders throughout Rhode Island and chose 6-7 finalists for each category.
The finalists’ recipes were compiled into the 2016 Rhode Island Kids’ Healthy Recipe Cookbook. The meal began with «Tabouli,» a starter submitted by Chef Sofia Sweet. Sofia is
a fifth-grader at Fishing Cove Elementary School in North Kingstown. She chose
to submit her tabouli recipe in honor of her grandmother, who made the dish for
Sofia’s birthday every year before she passed away.
Then, guests enjoyed Chef Cameron Belisle’s «Cod Fish Tacos,» as an entree. Cameron
is a fifth-grade student at Stone Hill Elementary School in Cranston. He and his
family enjoy an active lifestyle, cooking and recently running a 5K race together.
The luncheon concluded with «Apple Roses,» a dessert submitted by Chef Lily Addonizio.
Lily is a fifth-grader at Immaculate Conception Catholic Regional School in Cranston.
Her recipe for apple roses was chosen not only for its healthy ingredients, but
also for its creativity and delicious taste.
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