New rules = a simpler FAFSA that college-bound students can now file three months earlier WASHINGTON, DC – In an effort to help college bound Rhode Islanders access much-needed financial aid, U.S. Senator Jack Reed is urging high school seniors and their families to get started filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid […]readmore
Listen to LPR’s Special report on WRNI 1290AM at 10am, Saturday, October 1streadmore
Federal grant will help hire service coordinator to assist elderly and disabled residents at Lincoln Manor and Manville Manor LINCOLN, RI – In an effort to better integrate supportive services into senior housing, U.S. Senator Jack Reed announced today that the Lincoln Housing Authority (LHA) will receive $169,497 in federal funding through the Resident Opportunities […]readmore
El año pasado, una cantidad récord de estudiantes de Rhode Island realizó los exámenes de la Junta Universitaria. De acuerdo con un informe que emitió hoy (27 de septiembre) la Junta Universitaria, 6303 miembros de la clase de 2016 realizaron los exámenes SAT (1 % más con respecto a la clase de 2015) y 5040 […]readmore
Innovative, First-of-its-Kind Venture to Donate Wedding and Dessert Proceeds to Save The Lives of Malnourished Children Worldwide Providence – Edesia and Russell Morin Catering & Events (“Russell Morin”), announced the launch of “Saving Lives is a Piece of Cake,” a new philanthropic initiative with the potential to save the lives of as many as 400 […]readmore
Cranston’s 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) will join the Afterschool Alliance in this year’s Lights On Afterschool, a nationwide series of events celebrating and supporting afterschool programs, on October 20. Lights On Afterschool is the only nationwide rally for afterschool programs. More than 8,000 events are expected to take place this year across […]readmore
Aerial image of the McCoy Stadium located in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. The project to build the stadium began in 1938 and was championed by then-Pawtucket Mayor Thomas P. McCoy. It was to be built on a swampy piece of land known as Hammond’s Pond and, to this day, the stadium sits at the end of […]readmore
PROVIDENCE – As part of her continued efforts to grow Rhode Island’s green economy, Governor Gina Raimondo joined First Gentleman Andy Moffit, the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) and other partners today at a rally in support of the Green Economy Bond. The $35 million bond on November’s ballot provides funding to improve […]readmore
RI – Colonel Steven G. O’Donnell, Superintendent of the Rhode Island State Police and Commissioner of the Rhode Island Department of Public Safety, announces that the Rhode Island State Police will host Project 3.8, the Dorian Murray Foundation on: Thursday, September 22, 2016 5:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. Rhode Island State Police Headquarters Colonel Walter E. Stone […]readmore
Prepare RI program doubles in first year, state covers cost PROVIDENCE, RI – Thanks to the Prepare RI initiative that Governor Gina M. Raimondo launched last year, the number of students enrolled in courses that earned both high school and college credit more than doubled in the 2015-16 school year, with 3,807 students participating. Participating […]readmore