The National Weather Service Issues Wind Chill Warning for Weekend

PROVIDENCE, RI – The National Weather Service has issued a Wind Chill Warning from
4pm Saturday (2/13) to 12pm Sunday (2/14) with the potential for life threatening
wind chills and near record cold air temperatures.
The City of Providence and the Providence Emergency Management Agency have
pre-identified warming
throughout the city. «Temperatures this weekend will be extremely cold,» said Mayor
Jorge Elorza. «The safety of our residents is my top priority. I ask residents to
stay indoors as much as possible. Please check on elderly friends, family, or
neighbors and avoid exposure to the cold temperatures.» Michael Borg, Director of
the Providence Emergency Management Agency, added «If you do have to go outside this
weekend, take all of the necessary precautions and wear appropriate winter weather
clothing, hats, and gloves in order to protect yourself from the extreme
Prepare now and ensure that you have enough heating fuel on hand to last for the
next few days. For assistance call the United Way 2-1-1 or visit
services or information you need, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
PEMA reminds every one of the following tips to stay safe during extreme cold:
* If you are traveling, prepare your car in advance. Make sure your car
battery is charged and car is topped off with gas to avoid gas lines from freezing.
Pack extra supplies in your vehicle such as water, food, blankets, and jumper cables
in case you get stranded.
* The temperature inside your home should be set according to your own
activity level, health, and medications. What is an acceptable, fuel-saving
temperature for an active family may not be safe for an older person who has
difficulty moving or takes certain medications.
* The elderly are especially susceptible to extremely cold temperatures.
Check on elderly friends, family, or neighbors frequently.
* In your home, if you use a space heater, always keep it at least 3 feet
from any combustible source. If you use a fire place or woodstove, only burn wood,
DO NO burn paper or plastic.
* Insulate water pipes to keep them from freezing.
* Keep a blanket and/or hats and gloves in your vehicle in the event you
are stranded and without heat.
* Remove clothing if it gets damp or wet. Wet clothing can make you more
prone to hypothermia.
* Know the signs of frostbite and hypothermia. Symptoms of frostbite can
include loss of feeling and loss of color and usually happens on the nose, ears,
cheeks, chin, fingers or toes. Symptoms of hypothermia in adults can include
shivering, exhaustion, confusion, fumbling hands, memory loss, drowsiness, or
slurred speech. In infants, symptoms of hypothermia can include bright red, cold
skin and low energy.
* Remember: Pets get cold too! If it is too cold for you to be outside,
it’s too cold for your pet as well. Do not leave cats/dogs outside for prolonged
periods of time.