No rehab for Shia LaBeouf, just addiction treatment

The «I AM NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE» actor of «Transformers» fame, Shia LaBeouf, is not going into rehab, but he is getting treatment for alcohol addiction, according to a statement by his representatives.
LaBeouf ran into trouble with the law in New York last week when, police said, he lit a cigarette in a Broadway theater. Witnesses said LaBeouf yelled at the actors on stage during a performance of «Cabaret.» He was drunk and had been disruptive in the theater, police said.
Shia LaBeouf’s downward spiral
On Friday, LaBeouf was charged with criminal trespass, disorderly conduct and harassment.
«He understands that these recent actions are a symptom of a larger health problem and he has taken the first of many necessary steps towards recovery,» the statement said. «Contrary to previous erroneous reports, Shia LaBeouf has not checked into a rehabilitation facility but he is voluntarily receiving treatment for alcohol addiction.»
LaBeouf, a former child actor, had his first mug shot taken in 2007 when he was 21 and refused to leave a drugstore after a security guard said he was intoxicated. The next year LaBeouf was arrested at the scene of a car accident on suspicion of DUI.
Earlier this year he appeared at the Berlin Film Festival with a paper bag over his head that proclaimed in black marker, «I AM NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE,» a phrase he also tweeted daily for weeks.
LaBeouf’s court appearance on the latest charges is scheduled for July 24.
He rose to fame at age 14 as the star of the Disney series «Even Stevens.» He has stayed busy with regular movie and TV roles since the late 1980s, including starring in three «Transformers» films. Of late, he has played in films with a more literary appeal, such as «Nymphomaniac» and «The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman.»
He co-stars with Brad Pitt in the upcoming movie «Fury,» according to LaBeouf’s profile on the Internet Movie Database.
Last year, LaBeouf, who has also written screenplays, was accused of plagiarizing another writer’s work.