Reed Statement on Reports that Russia is Deploying New Missile in Violation of INF Treaty
WASHINGTON, DC — Today, after news reports stated that Russia has deployed a new
nuclear-tipped ground-launched cruise missile in violation of the Intermediate-Range
Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Ranking Member of
the Armed Services Committee, issued the following statement:
«This is not a new threat, but it is a serious concern that should serve as a wakeup
call to the Trump Administration’s dealings with Russia as of late.
«The Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty is considered the backbone of Cold War
strategic stability that President Reagan signed in 1987. The Treaty eliminated an
entire class of destabilizing short range ground launched nuclear missiles. Today’s
reporting by the New York Times quoting this administration that Russia has fielded
two battalions of these prohibited missiles, if true, is a violation of the Treaty.
«I urge the Trump Administration to immediately address these allegations with
Russia and make every effort to bring them back into compliance with their treaty
obligations. I expect this Administration to keep Congress informed of their
actions with Russia on this issue.»