Mayor Fung is coordinating the City’s response to this morning’s storm

 Mayor Fung is coordinating the City’s response to this morning’s storm

Mayor Fung is touring the city, assessing the damage from this morning’s storm and coordinating Cranston’s response to this morning’s storm.
“I want to reassure the residents of Cranston that my team is responding to protect the health and safety of my residents.  Right now we have an all hands on deck approach to clean up as our Public Works department will be working non-stop to clear roads of fallen trees and limbs.  Furthermore, I urge residents to exercise caution if they have been affected by damage from the storm.  Treat downed wires as though they were live wires, stay clear of fallen trees and don’t go out if you don’t have to until your area is cleared.”  said Mayor Fung


The City has multiple Public Works crews solely focused on clearing roads of debris and cleaning up fallen trees and limbs.  In addition, the city has additional resources from private contractors assisting city crews with their clean up.


The Cranston Fire Department, as of this morning, has already responded to over 60 calls for service and fortunately, there were no serious injuries reported.


The Cranston Police Department is out directing traffic at major intersections where the power has been disrupted and traffic control signals are disabled.  In addition to their normal patrols, our officers are assisting residents who suffered damage during this storm.


“My number one priority today is to deal with the aftermath of this storm and to ensure the safety of the residents of Cranston.  Later today I will announce a time on Wednesday where I will address the Rhode Island State Police Assessment on the Cranston Police Department.” said Mayor Fung

