Island House Restaurant gets a boost from a Providence Commercial Corridor Micro-Business Loan

 Island House Restaurant gets a boost from a Providence Commercial Corridor Micro-Business Loan

Providence (July 6, 2020) …Island House Restaurant, located at 242 Broad Street, was awarded a Providence Commercial Corridor Micro-Business Loan on July 1, 2019. With their loan, owners Ricky Bernard and Marcia Ricketts plan to get outdoor seating, an app for faster takeout to better cater to their student customers, plexi-glass shields and other social distancing measures to keep their employees and customers safe and healthy.

«Providence Revolving Fund and the Providence City Council have capitalized a revolving loan fund to provide small loans to micro-businesses located on or near commercial corridors in Providence,» stated Carrie Zaslow, Executive Director of the Providence Revolving Fund. «We believe that this program is essential for the preservation of the small businesses that make up our communities. The Providence Revolving Fund is committed to providing equitable access to financing and services to promote economic opportunity. We are pleased to be able to roll out this program at a time when so many small businesses are struggling.» 
