Rhode Island – Un autobús del departamento de Transporte RIPTA con pasajeros se estrello contra un edificio el lunes por la noche en el 1209 Post Road con varias personas a bordo. Los rescatistas de Warwick atendieron en el sitio del choque a las personas. El autobús giro bruscamente a la izquierda y choco contra […]readmore
Pawtucket – The Pawtucket Advisory Commission on Arts & Culture (PACAC) will host a reception to showcase its latest gallery exhibit featuring the art work of City employees, elected officials and those serving on City Commissions. The reception is scheduled for Monday, February 8, 2016 at Pawtucket City Hall, 137 Roosevelt Avenue. The event will […]readmore
On January 22, 2016, at approximately 8:30 a.m., members of the Major Crimes Unit arrested John J. Linehan, age 49, of 16 Laurel Hill Drive, Smithfield, Rhode Island, on an Affidavit & Arrest Warrant for Obtaining Money under False Pretenses/ Over $1,500. Mr. Linehan was returned to the Scituate Barracks where he was processed and […]readmore
Rhode Island – General Dynamics y Electric Boat contrataran más personal en los próximos años en nuestro estado. El informe fue presentado por el presidente de Electric Boat Jeffrey Geiger a la gobernadora Gina Raimondo y la Delegación Federal en Warwick, la tarde del lunes. Con 2,500 nuevos empleos en los próximos 15 años para […]readmore
Rhode Island – On January 22, 2016, at approximately 9:00AM, members of the Financial Crimes Unit arrested Barbara X. Donnelly, age 39, of 60 Middle Road, Unit #2, Portsmouth, Rhode Island, for Larceny Over $1500. The arrest was the result of a complaint filed with the Financial Crimes Unit by the Rhode Island Turnpike and […]readmore
Providence – La policía de Providence arresto a una mujer por apuñalar a su novio en la espalda. Ella enfrenta cargos de asalto agravado con un arma blanca, el apuñalamiento ocurrió la madrugada del lunes. Según vecinos ellos son una pareja problemática.readmore
Central Falls – La policía de Central Falls detuvo el sábado a George Mojica cuando tenía en su posesión un machete. Mojica estaba peleando con otro hombre en la 106 de la calle Cowden. Vecinos se llevaron el susto de su vida, cuando vieron la furia del hombre armado con el machete. El hombre está […]readmore
CENTRAL FALLS – On January 23, 2016 officers responded to 106 Cowden Street for a report of fight between two males; one of which brandishing an edged-weapon. Upon arrival officers immediately confronted a machete wielding individual – and by such means – he relinquished the weapon by ultimately discarded it to the ground. The armed […]readmore
Providence – On January 25, 2016, at approximately 1:50 a.m. an employee of the Office of Attorney General’s Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) Unit heard the doorbell to the building followed immediately by the sound of breaking glass. The employee was working in the BCI section which is located behind secure glass in the lobby […]readmore
Cranston – La policía de ambas ciudades investiga una balacera en Avenida Niantic en Cranston. Según testigos el sospecho huyo del lugar con dirección a Providence. La bala rasguño la cabeza de la victima que se encuentra en el Hospital Rhode Island. Mientras, la policía de Providence buscaba al sospechoso por la Avenida Huntington y […]readmore