VOA News Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto says authorities have captured fugitive drug lord Joaquin «El Chapo» Guzman, who brazenly escaped from prison through a secret underground tunnel seven months ago. The president announced Guzman’s capture in a brief announcement in Spanish Friday on Twitter: «Mission accomplished. We have him.» A Mexican official told The […]readmore
Después de seis meses de intensa búsqueda y de un intercambio de disparos capturan a uno de los hombres más buscados en México. Uno de los hombres más buscados, Joaquín «el Chapo» Guzmán fue capturado en Sinaloa, México. Al parecer, una denuncia ciudadana condujo a la secretaría de Marina a un domicilio donde habíann personas […]readmore
Por RFI – La Fuerza Armada de Venezuela respalda al presidente del país en su confrontación con los diputados de la oposición. La MUD, ganadora en las recientes legislativas, desacató el dictamen del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia de cuestionamiento de los comicios en varias circunscripciones. Durante un acto en el cuartel donde se encuentra el […]readmore
Por RFI – La policía mató a un individuo en París, que intentaba entrar en un local de la policía “armado con un cuchillo y un dispositivo que podía ser un cinturón explosivo”, al grito de “Alá Akbar, Alá es grande”, reportó el ministerio del interior. El hecho se produjo el día aniversario del ataque […]readmore
YAOUNDE—Officials from 24 African countries met in Cameroon last month and called for China to stop illegal fishing off the West African coast. In some areas, Chinese fishermen have pushed their local counterparts back to shore, depriving them of their jobs and livelihoods. Former fisherman Bisso Frederick, 32, now sells sandwiches in the Cameroonian town […]readmore
Por RFI – El anuncio de la primera prueba exitosa con una bomba de hidrogeno o termonuclear, mucho más potente que la nuclear, suscitó condenas inmediatas y escepticismo de especialistas. Ya sea o no una bomba H, es el cuarto ensayo nuclear norcoreano, lo que podría acarrear reacciones muy duras de la comunidad internacional. Corea […]readmore
SEOUL— In a surprise and rare televised announcement over state television KCNA, North Korea said it successfully conducted a thermonuclear hydrogen bomb test Wednesday. «We’ve now become a nuclear state that also holds a hydrogen bomb,” said the KCNA announcer. The U.S. Geological Survey reported a 5.1 magnitude earthquake near Punggye-ri, where North Korea conducted […]readmore
VOA News The U.S. government has shut down a drone base in southern Ethiopia that was part of the U.S. anti-terrorism effort in the region. The U.S. embassy in Addis Ababa told VOA Monday that «U.S. military personnel are no longer in Arba Minch,» the town where the base was located. Embassy press officer Katherine […]readmore
Margaret Besheer UNITED NATIONS — U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed concern Monday at the escalation in tensions between regional powers Saudi Arabia and Iran, urging both countries to avoid actions that could exacerbate the situation between them and in the region as a whole. Bahrain and Sudan have also said they are cutting their diplomatic […]readmore
VOA News Last updated on: December 31, 2015 6:37 AM Security is tight at New Year celebrations in cities around the world, as authorities confront threatened possible terror attacks against public celebrations. In Sydney, one of the first places marking the dawn of 2016, Australians enjoyed one of their biggest fireworks displays ever — seven tons […]readmore