Rhode Island – Una mujer de Providence culpable de samaquear tan violentamente a su bebe de solo 6 semanas de nacido que lo dejo con daño cerebral permanente fue sentenciada a prisión. Danielle Lefebvre de 29 años pasara 18 años tras las rejas seguido de dos años en libertad supervisada. Lefebvre llevo a la criatura […]readmore
Rhode Island – El Juez de la Corte de Distrito Rafael A. Ovalles ha sido eximido de sus funciones pendiente de una audiencia de la Comisión para el Ejercicio Judicial y Disciplina en relación a las acusaciones de que violó los cánones de la ética judicial y tuvo una conducta que trajo el desprestigio al […]readmore
Rhode Island – El ex Representante Estatal y ex Concejal de Providence León F. Tejada comparecerá a las 3 de la tarde del viernes en la Corte de Distrito de los Estados Unidos ante la Jueza Patricia Sullivan Tejada de 50 años llego a un acuerdo con la fiscalía y acepto declararse culpable a los […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo today released the following statement on the announcement of the state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate. «Since January, the Rhode Island economy has added over 6,000 jobs. These numbers are encouraging, but we still have a long way to go to create high-wage, high-skill, family-supporting jobs. As we look […]readmore
The Rhode Island State Police, Rhode Island Police Chiefs’ Association, the Rhode Island Office of Attorney General, Rhode Island Department of Public Safety, and the United States Attorney’s Office were at John Rollins Recreation Center in Providence to kick off the Kids, Cops & Christmas event. The Rhode Island State Police, the Rhode Island Police […]readmore
The students of D»Abate Memorial School was so excited this morning because they got a visit from the Gingerbread Express. This was their 26th annual Gingerbread Express. NEARI fund this special program, The Gingerbread Express which links their members and friends with public school students who may be facing a bleak, gift-less holiday season. Each of these […]readmore
Governor Gina Raimondo with the Director of the Department of Children, Youth and Families and Foster Forward to distribute Hasbro toys to foster families in Rhode Island. Also, present were two players Tommy Cross and Brandon De Fazio of the Providence Bruins and Ocean State Job Lot to help support the event and spread some […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI ( December 15, 2015)- Residents at Laurelmead Senior Living Cooperative attended their second meeting with RISD Industrial Design students and a student from Brown University and reviewed both products and data that help seniors live healthful and productive lives. “ The collaboration between our residents and the students from RISD and Brown has […]readmore
Jurors didn’t believe Philip Chism’s claims of hearing commanding voices that told him to stab 24-year-old Colleen Ritzer to death two years ago in a Danvers High School bathroom. Chism’s defense attorneys had presented an insanity defense, describing him as a severely mentally ill 14-year-old who was in the throes of psychosis when he killed […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza joined Patriots Chairman and CEO Robert Kraft, Rhode Island Dairy Farmer Melissa Breene Jordan, and Brandon King of the New England Patriots as George J. West Elementary Schools was awarded a $10,000 ‘Hometown Grant’ in partnership with the NFL and the Rhode Island Dairy Farm Families as well […]readmore