CENTRAL FALLS – A Woonsocket youth who had been put on home confinement with electronic monitoring after an August carjacking – and who was arrested by Central Falls detectives in October, along with his mother, for violating a Family Court order – was arrested yet again Tuesday morning when members of the Special Investigative Unit […]readmore
Pawtucket – A joint investigation of an October 14th incident at Tolman High School conducted by the Rhode Island State Police and the Pawtucket Police Department Internal Investigation unit, has concluded that the School Resource Officer (SRO) involved, acted reasonably and in keeping with his training, with the use of force applied to a takedown […]readmore
STATE HOUSE – Rep. Daniel P. Reilly has written to Governor Gina Raimondo seeking answers to several unanswered questions regarding the Governor’s RhodeWorks infrastructure repair plan. «Although our roads and bridges are terrible and in need of drastic repair, there are still far too many questions relating to the funding and the administering of the […]readmore
Estimated Annual Savings of Over $12,000 for Sanderson Academy School ASHFIELD – December 23, 2015 – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced funding for the Sanderson Academy Elementary School to convert its existing oil heating system to cleaner, highly efficient biomass boilers. The $171,598 from the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) is the sixth award for […]readmore
December, 2015- Mayor Allan W. Fung sharply criticized last night’s refusal by the City Council to accept the city’s independent Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to the State Auditor General, calling the maneuver «irresponsible political shenanigans». «By denying their pro-forma acceptance of the independent auditor’s report, the City Council is playing politics with a very serious […]readmore
Rhode Island – El Concejo de la ciudad de Pawtucket aprobó una ordenanza que permite regular los spas. La medida presentada por la Concejal Sandro Cano, y aprobada en segunda vuelta convierte a Pawtucket en la quinta ciudad en tener leyes similares como Central Falls, Cranston, Coventry y Providence. La ordenanza tiene como fin eliminar […]readmore
Rhode Island – El Oficial de la policía de Pawtucket Jared Boudreault, asignado a la Escuela Secundaria William E. Tollman ha sido librado de toda culpa o de haber procedido de manera negligente cuando intervino arrestando a los hermanos Ivander DeBurgo y Tyler, estudiantes. La Policía Estatal de Rhode Island y la Unidad de Asuntos […]readmore
Rhode Island – El Departamento de Niños, Jóvenes y Familias de Rhode Island, estará ocupándose de sus propias gestiones a partir de abril y abrirá luego a licitación una gama de servicios para atender a los 3,000 niños que tienen bajo su cuidado. Solo por 90 días más las dos más grandes agencias proveedoras de […]readmore
Rhode Island – 13 ex empleados , en su gran mayoría hispanos, del Restaurante Teriyaki and Korean House en la calle Westminster en Providence están luchando porque les paguen más de $70,000 que les deben en sueldos acumulados. El Departamento de Empleo y Entrenamiento de los Estados Unidos está investigando, según informa Scott Allen, portavoz […]readmore
Rhode Island – Un hombre de Woonsocket se declaró culpable a múltiples cargos incluido uno mayor de agresión relacionados con un incidente por un triángulo amoroso en Marzo pasado. Lorenzo Hicks Hinson le disparo a David Harmon con a magnum calibre 44 luego de que Harmon llegara hasta su apartamento y lo enfrentara acusándolo de […]readmore