Además, el DMV de Cranston suspenderá los servicios de licencia de conducir personal, identificación y registro hasta el final de la semana. Para garantizar que los clientes no sean penalizados por las acciones que estamos tomando para proteger aún más la salud y la seguridad, el DMV extenderá las licencias de conducir y los registros […]readmore
El presidente de EE. UU. calculó que la crisis por el coronavirus podría durar «hasta julio o agosto», y recomendó que los estadounidenses trabajen desde casa y eviten grupos de más de 10 personas al menos hasta abril. En una rueda de prensa en la Casa Blanca, Donald Trump reconoció que el país «podría» estar […]readmore
Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Director of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH today announced that customer-facing services at the Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS), Department of Labor and Training (DLT), and HealthSource RI will be moving to online and telephone-only services until further notice. This includes all new applications, renewals, or changes in […]readmore
This morning, Governor Gina Raimondo issued an executive order to close all bars and restaurants in the State of Rhode Island. The executive order only allows for carry-out and delivery service at these businesses. In addition to this, the Governor has instructed that no gatherings of 25 or more people will be allowed in the […]readmore
Restaurantes, bares, museos, centros comerciales, colegios son algunos de los establecimientos que cerraron para evitar la propagación del coronavirus. Las autoridades han tomado medidas de aislamiento para evitar la propagación de la enfermedad en sus ciudadanos. La Gobernadora Gina M. Raimondo y la Directora de Salud Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH anunciaron hoy que, a partir […]readmore
One additional case of COVID-19 in Rhode Island Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Director of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH today announced that, effective tomorrow and continuing through March 30th, there will be no on-premise food consumption for restaurants, bars, coffee shops, or other food establishments in Rhode Island. Establishments with a food license can […]readmore
Raimondo “Please don’t hoard,” she said. “Food will continue to come in.”readmore
Raimondo thanked the leaders of many churches and other religious organizations who canceled services this weekend and advised them to cancel additional events planned for the next week.readmore
GoLocalProv News Team and Reynaldo Almonte for Latino Public Radio Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo announced Sunday a “welcome pause” of no new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours — but warned that strict measures will continue to be needed to limit the spread in the state. “We are now up to testing 100 […]readmore
La inscripción especial es para el tres por ciento de los habitantes de Rhode Island que no tienen seguro en este momento anunció Raimondo. El período de inscripción permanecerá abierto hasta el 15 de abrilreadmore