Guests will include Gov. Gina Raimondo, Rep. David Cicilline, Chair of the Rhode Island Council on Postsecondary Education William Foulkes, Rhode Island Commissioner of Postsecondary Education Jim Purcell, Chair of the Rhode Island Board of Education Barbara Cottam, as well as architects and project managers. This $6.3 million, 9,190-square-foot wing was funded by a $50 […]readmore
INTERNATIONAL WALK TO SCHOOL DAY NEWS Providence – Family Service of Rhode Island celebrated «International Walk to School Day» on Wednesday, October 5, 2016, with the non-profit’s «Walking School Bus» program. Children and volunteers on a «Walking School Bus» route serving Mary E. Fogarty Elementary School in Providence had balloons and wore «Walking School Bus» […]readmore
Family Service of Rhode Island – Walking School Bus program in celebration of International Walk to School Day Providence – El mes de octubre ofrece la oportunidad perfecta para que los niños caminen a la escuela y no lo tienen que hacer solos. El 5 de octubre es el Día de Caminar a la Escuela […]readmore
RI – In response to our request for proposals, the R.I. Department of Education (RIDE) received a number of applications to open new charter public schools or to expand enrollment in existing charters. We will immediately begin review of the proposals received by the required deadline. Recently there have been stories in the media about […]readmore
LPR News Podcast The Rhode Island Foundation awarded $160,000 in grants to launch the initiative at Rhode Island College and the University of Rhode Island. “Our goal is to support this initiative to improve the literacy skills, bilingual capability and academic success of English Learners across the state. Their educational success depends on closing gaps […]readmore
New rules = a simpler FAFSA that college-bound students can now file three months earlier WASHINGTON, DC – In an effort to help college bound Rhode Islanders access much-needed financial aid, U.S. Senator Jack Reed is urging high school seniors and their families to get started filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid […]readmore
RI – U.S. Secretary of Education John B. King, Jr. recognized three Rhode Island schools as National Blue Ribbon Schools for 2016. The award is based on their overall academic excellence or their progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups. «National Blue Ribbon Schools are proof that we can prepare every child for college […]readmore
Listen to LPR’s Special report on WRNI 1290AM at 10am, Saturday, October 1streadmore
El año pasado, una cantidad récord de estudiantes de Rhode Island realizó los exámenes de la Junta Universitaria. De acuerdo con un informe que emitió hoy (27 de septiembre) la Junta Universitaria, 6303 miembros de la clase de 2016 realizaron los exámenes SAT (1 % más con respecto a la clase de 2015) y 5040 […]readmore
ESL and BDL Certification Cohort Kickoff Event @ RISD Museum Grand Gallery LPR NEWS 1290 AM PROVIDENCE John Smith RISD Welcome to the RISD Museum Grand Gallery Introduce the Neil Steinberg, president and CEO of the Rhode Island Foundation Neil Steinberg RIF Thank John Smith and the RISD Museum for hosting the event Acknowledge Speakers […]readmore