Brett Smiley speaks with Dr. Pablo Rodriguez on Latino Public Radio

Dr. Pablo Rodriguez interviewed Brett Smiley about his progressive past, his support of driver’s licenses to all resident immigrants, more recreational opportunities for our young people, and his vision of safer streets, better schools, and a more prosperous economy.
Questions for Brett Smiley; Hablemos on WRNI 1290- 01/25/14
- Welcome to the show. this is your first run at public office in RI and many would like to know what has prepared you to be the next mayor? What do you bring to the job?
- What are the greatest challenges facing the city of Providence and how do you plan to tackle them?
- Violence in the city has become problematic and at a candidates forum you suggested some solutions to the problem. could you share with us those solutions?
- Taxes on houses and cars are the most common complaints we get here on the radio. Many have asked “how is it possible that millionaires building luxury hotels and condos get to pay no taxes and my taxes go up every year”. “My beat up car which I can’t even sell for 400 dollars is being assessed at 4000 and I am paying more taxes than what it’s worth.” What is Mayor Smiley going to do about it?
- English language learners are in RI and specifically Providence are performing at some of the lowest levels in the country and now we are going to add to the strife the use of the NECAP exam as requirement for graduation. What is Mayor Smiley going to do about this?
- Mayor Taveras is facing a great deal of opposition from the city council especially when it comes to the issue of the closure of the swimming pools. If you were in his place, how would you have dealt with the Davey Lopes pool situation?
- Final message to the latino community- why should Latinos care about voting for you when there is a Latino running?