USDA Official Visit Rhode Island to See Nutrition Programs Helping Families

PROVIDENCE, RI – Kevin Concannon, the undersecretary for the USDA’s Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services visited the cities of Central Falls and Providence to see WIC and school meals program operations. He also met with state officials, local staffs, families and students. WIC, celebrating its 40th year, serves more than half of all babies born in the U.S. providing nutritious foods, breastfeeding support and medical referrals. Providence is one of two districts in the state that elected to participate in the Community Eligibility Provision, a federal option allowing schools with high poverty rates to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students.
Mr. Concannon visited a Central Falls WIC Clinic, Children’s Friend, to learn more about its operartions to improve the health of women, infants and children and then visited the children at Governor Christopher Del Sesto Middle School, in Providence, to learn of its move to feed all students free meals. Here he enjoyed a healthy lunch with the students and answered questions from them.
About the USDA, Food and Nutrition Service FNS works to end hunger and obesity through the administration of 15 federal nutrition assistance programs including WIC, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and school meals. In partnership with State and Tribal governments, our programs serve one in four Americans during the course of a year. Working with our public, private and non-profit partners, our mission is to increase food security and reduce hunger by providing children and low-income people access to food, a healthful diet and nutrition education in a way that supports American agriculture and inspires public confidence. No American should have to go hungry. Find out more about the USDA FNS at