U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker to Deliver Remarks During National MED Week Celebration in Chicago

 U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker to Deliver Remarks During National MED Week Celebration in Chicago

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Commerce announced that U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker will attend the 2016 National Minority Supplier Development Council Conference and Business Opportunity Exchange in Chicago. The conference, held in conjunction with the National Minority Enterprise Development Week (MED Week), is Oct. 23-26 at McCormick Place Lakeside Center in Chicago. Secretary Pritzker is scheduled to provide remarks Oct. 24 during the “Power Breakfast” session.

The annual NMSDC Conference and Business Opportunity Exchange attracts more than 6,000 corporate CEOs, procurement executives, entrepreneurs, influencers, business leaders, and supplier diversity professionals from the top multinational companies, international organizations and minority firms.

«Under President Obama’s leadership, America has moved from recession to recovery to expansion, and through it all, minority-owned firms have been integral to our nation’s success,» said Secretary Pritzker. «MED Week gives us a chance to celebrate that success and to strategize with industry leaders about the future. At the Commerce Department, we remain committed to building on our recent gains and helping more entrepreneurs from minority communities compete in today’s global economy.»

The Commerce Department’s Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) in partnership with NMSDC, will provide special MED Week programming during this year’s conference. The «Powered by MBDA» learning sessions will feature the latest information and trends about federal procurement, international trade and technology innovation.

MED Week is an annual week-long observance led by MBDA that honors the achievements and leadership of minority-owned firms, organizations and individuals from across the nation. Since 1983, every president has issued a Presidential Proclamation designating a National Minority Enterprise Development Week to recognize the contributions of the minority business community to the U.S. economy.

«We’re honored to have Secretary Pritzker join us in Chicago for the Conference and National MED Week celebration,» said MBDA National Director Alejandra Y. Castillo. «It’s important for us to not only support and recognize excellence in the minority business community, but to also build networks that will empower our entrepreneurs for long-term success.»

«We welcome Secretary Pritzker to NMSDC’s Conference and are honored that she is joining us for this event,» NMSDC President Joset Wright-Lacy said. «NMSDC is pleased to partner with MBDA as a forceful agent for progress in minority supplier development. ‘Powered by MBDA’ is an example of how NMSDC is ‘Investing in the Future’ for our nation, as minority business enterprises become ever-more vital to our economic welfare and global competitiveness.»

The NMSDC conference will also feature workshops, networking opportunities, exhibits, and panel discussions on issues such as federal contracting growth strategies; gaining competitive advantage in global markets; innovation and more.

To view the 2016 MED Week Presidential Proclamation, visit https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/10/18/presidential-proclamation-minority-enterprise-development-week-2016

For additional details on the 2016 NMSDC Conference and Business Opportunity Exchange and MBDA National MED Week events visit www.nmsdc.org and MBDA.gov.

About the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA)
MBDA, www.mbda.gov, is the only Federal agency dedicated to the growth and global competitiveness of U.S. minority-owned businesses. Our programs and services better equip minority-owned firms to create jobs, build scale and capacity, increase revenues and expand regionally, nationally and internationally. Services are provided through a network of MBDA Business Centers. After 47 years of service, MBDA continues to be a dedicated strategic partner to all U.S. minority-owned businesses, committed to providing programs and services that build size, scale and capacity through access to capital, contracts and markets. Follow us on Twitter @usmbda.

About the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC)
NMSDC advances business opportunities for certified minority business enterprises and connects them to corporate members. One of the country’s leading corporate membership organizations, NMSDC was chartered in 1972 to provide increased procurement and business opportunities for minority businesses of all sizes. The NMSDC Network includes a National Office in New York and 23 affiliate regional councils across the country. The network also includes five international partner organizations located in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, China and South Africa.

To meet the growing need for supplier diversity, NMSDC matches its more than 12,000 certified minority-owned businesses to our network of more than 1,750 corporate members who wish to purchase their products, services and solutions. NMSDC, a unique and specialized player in the field of minority business enterprise, is proud of its unwavering commitment to advance Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American suppliers in a globalized corporate supply chain. For more information, visit www.NMSDC.org.
