Today In History: March 11 2004

Today marks the 10 year anniversary when in 2004 Spain suffered the worst terrorist attack in its history
On March 11, 2004, between 07:35 and 07:40 during the morning rush hour, the city of Madrid was rocked by the worst terrorist attack in its history. Ten almost simultaneous explosions occurred on the commuter train lines linking Guadalajara with Alcalá de Henares and Madrid . 191 people died and over 1,800 were injured. The subsequent inquest determined it was the work of jihadist terrorists. The area most affected by the explosions was the Atocha station, where seven devices went off (three inside and four on the outside, just before the trains entered into the platforms). The other three explosions occurred at the stations of El Pozo and Santa Eugenia. The slaughter deeply shocked Spanish society and the international community.