Tags : Georgia

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Miles de georgianos exigen recuperar la senda proeuropea

DW – La oposición acusa al gobierno, sobre el que pesan denuncias por encarcelar a rivales políticos y acallar medios, de trabajar para el Kremlin.      Las manifestaciones llevan semanas en Georgia. Miles de opositores al que consideran «gobierno prorruso” de Georgia salieron este domingo (09.04.2023) a las calles de la capital del país, Tiflis, […]readmore

LPR Noticias Noticias Noticias del mundo

Retiran polémico proyecto de ley de agentes extranjeros en Georgia

DW – Los promotores de la ley, denunciada por la oposición como un instrumento represivo de inspiración rusa, retiraron «sin condiciones» su iniciativa legislativa después de ser aprobada en primera lectura por el Parlamento. Enfrentamientos entre manifestantes y policías antimotines ayer en Tiflis. El partido gobernante en Georgia, Sueño Georgiano, anunció el jueves (09.03.2023) la […]readmore

US Noticias

Atlanta Police Hold Sick-Out to Protest Officer’s Murder Charge

By VOA News Atlanta police officers called out sick or refused to answer calls Thursday to protest murder charges against a white officer in last Friday’s deadly shooting of an African American man in a fast-food restaurant’s parking lot. It is unclear how many officers declined to report for work Wednesday night and Thursday, but Mayor […]readmore

Cultura Este día en la historia

Today in History: February 11 1776

On this day in 1776, Georgia’s royal governor, Sir James Wright, escapes from his residence in Savannah to the safety of a waiting British warship, the HMS Scarborough and returns to London. Governor Wright had been taken into custody and placed under house arrest nearly a month earlier on January 18, 1776, by Patriots under the command […]readmore

US Noticias

Critics of Immigrant Detention Center Meet Detainees

LUMPKIN, GEORGIA—In the concrete block-walled visiting room of the Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin, Georgia – one of the biggest immigrant holding facilities in the country – Salvadoran-born Nilson Flores says he’s seen many detainees sent back to countries where their lives are in danger. “They should call this place the ‘jail of broken dreams’,” he said. […]readmore

Este día en la historia

Today In History: April 13 1997

On April 13, 1997 , the American golfer Tiger Woods , 21 , becomes the youngest champion of the prestigious Masters Tournament at Augusta, Georgia. Woods won his first professional tournament golf in 12 strokes, the largest margin of victory of the twentieth century, and only with respect to the second within 13 strokes of […]readmore