Tags : Donald Trump


Trump Downplays Being Featured in Terrorist Recruitment Video

VOA News U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is dismissing his persona being featured in a recruitment video made by the Somali militant group al-Shabab. In the video, which was released Friday, Trump was shown at a campaign rally in the southern state of South Carolina last month reading a statement calling on the United States […]readmore


Trump, Clinton Trade Attacks From Top of Polls

VOA News Democrats and Republicans have yet to choose their official candidates for next year’s presidential election, but that has not stopped front-runners Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump from attacking each other. Monday began with Trump calling Clinton a liar and demanding she apologize for her claim during Saturday’s Democratic debate that Islamic State militants […]readmore


US Surveys: Trump Gaining in Republican Presidential Bid

Ken Bredemeier December 15, 2015 WASHINGTON—New U.S. political surveys show billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump has gained strength in his race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination in the days after he called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States.A Washington Post/ABC poll released Tuesday said the flamboyant Trump, with 38 […]readmore


Trump, Cruz in Spotlight for 5th Republican Debate

Jim Malone WASHINGTON—Nine Republican presidential contenders will be on stage Tuesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, in the fifth Republican presidential debate.  This latest face-off comes amid public concerns about terrorism and national security, and new poll numbers that buttress the campaigns of real estate mogul Donald Trump and Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Trump continues to […]readmore


Trump se consolida entre republicanos y Clinton aumenta su ventaja

El senador Marco Rubio pasa al segundo lugar en el campo republicano y se convierte en la mayor amenaza para Hillary Clinton en una hipotética carrera entre ambos. Voz de América – Redacción 02.12.2015 Once meses antes de la elección presidencial de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump y Hillary Clinton, son los indiscutibles líderes en los […]readmore