Tags : Australia

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Declaran alerta roja en islas de Australia por un ciclón

DW – El ciclón Gabrielle amenaza las remotas islas Norfolk con rachas de viento de hasta 155 kilómetros por hora; las autoridades esperan caídas de árboles, cortes de luz y daños a viviendas.      Tras pasar por Australia Gabrielle, actualmente de categoría 2, se dirigirá a Nueva Zelanda. Las autoridades australianas declararon este sábado (11.02.2023) […]readmore

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La demanda civil por daños psicológicos contra el cardenal Pell

DW – La demanda civil presentada en Australia contra el cardenal George Pell por daños debidos a abusos sexuales continuará a pesar de su muerte. El cardenal George Pell, condenado por abuso sexual, falleció este 11.01.2023. Los abogados que representan a la acusación en la demanda civil presentada en Australia contra el cardenal George Pell por daños […]readmore

LPR Noticias Noticias

El alarmante informe científico sobre el cambio climático en Australia

RFI – Raphael Morán Los fenómenos climáticos extremos que azotaron Australia en años recientes – incendios, sequía, tormentas e inundaciones- debidos al calentamiento global ocurren a un ritmo en aumento indica un informe del gobierno australiano. El ecosistema marino también se ve afectado por el incremento de la temperatura del agua, otro efecto del exceso de […]readmore

Noticias del mundo

Search For MH370 Intensifies With Mini-submarine

Malaysia’s Transport Minister said Thursday that they will intensify the search with a mini-submarine for the defunct Malaysia Airlines aircraft. The autonomous underwater vehicle Bluefin-21 that tracks the depths on the part of the Indian Ocean in search of the aircraft that disappeared March 8 conducted its first successful exploration. Two previous missions had to […]readmore

Noticias del mundo

Japan Ordered to Stop Its ‘Research’ Expeditions

Japan will not hunt any more whales in the South seas and in the Antarctic, thanks to a decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which yesterday saw that the Japanese did not have any justification to continue this activity. Every year, Japanese vessels kill nearly 1,000 whales in these waters to feed a […]readmore

Noticias del mundo

Possible Malaysia Airlines Debris Detected

The Minister of Defense and Transportation of Malaysia, Hishammuddin Hussein, confirmed yesterday that the search for Malaysia Airlines MH370 is concentrated in the Indian Ocean, where they have sighted possible wreckage of the missing plane. Hussein, announced this Wednesday that 122 objects which could correspond to the aircraft Boeing 777-200ER from Malaysia Airlines which disappeared March 8 with […]readmore

Noticias del mundo

Malaysia Says That Lost Plane Ended Up In The Ocean

The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak, confirmed in a press conference that flight MH370 is lost and that there are no survivors. Malaysia Airlines sent to the relatives of the people aboard the plane a text message in which they were informed of the facts before the statements of the Prime Minister. It was […]readmore

Noticias del mundo

Australian Authorities Suspend Search For the Day Of MH370

The search for debris in the Indian Ocean of defunct Malaysia Airlines aircraft was suspended on Thursday. The authority of Australian Maritime Safety (AMSA) said that operations will continue on Friday morning. Australian authorities had seen via satellite two objects that could belong to the plane, which disappeared on March 8 with 239 people on […]readmore