Surveys: Clinton Regains Edge over Trump after Democratic Convention

 Surveys: Clinton Regains Edge over Trump after Democratic Convention

VOA News

U.S. political surveys are showing that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has regained her edge over Republican contender Donald Trump in the aftermath of last week’s Democratic convention where she and a raft of other speakers attacked his credentials to be the American leader.

Trump, a real estate tycoon seeking elected office for the first time, enjoyed a similar bump in polling against Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state, after the Republican convention two weeks ago with its barrage of taunts against her.

But now that both of the quadrennial conventions are over, CBS News said Clinton leads Trump 46 percent to 39, similar to her 43-37 lead in mid-June. The television network’s poll in the days after Trump claimed the Republican nomination more than a week ago showed the race tied at 42 apiece.

CBS also said its latest survey shows that voters continue to hold unfavorable views of both Clinton and Trump, although both of their standings were somewhat improved after their respective conventions. Voters now hold a 36 percent to 50 percent favorable-unfavorable view of Clinton, while Trump is at 31-52.

In another post-conventions survey, Public Policy Polling showed a 46-41 Clinton lead in polling that included two other presidential candidates, Libertarian Gary Johnson, with 6 percent support, and the Green Party’s Jill Stein at 2 percent.

«It looks like like the Republican and Democratic convention bounces have cancelled each other out and basically left the race where it was a month ago,” said Dean Debnam, Public Policy Polling’s president.
