Rhode Island State Police Presented Autographed Patriots Jerseys to Two Providence Youth Football Players Involved in Serious Crash

The Rhode Island State Police today presented autographed New England Patriots
uniform jerseys to two members of a Providence youth football team who were involved
in a serious crash while travelling home after competing in a national football
tournament in Florida earlier this month.
«We sincerely hope these gifts make your holiday a little brighter,» Major
Christopher Dicomitis said as he presented the boys with the framed jerseys at the
South Side Boys and Girls Club in Providence.
The two boys are members of the West Elmwood Intruders, a Providence youth football
team that travelled to Disney World for the tournament earlier this month. While
driving home, the car they were in was involved in a serious crash in South
Carolina. The driver, the mother of one of the boys, age 10, was killed. A teammate,
age 11, who also was in the car, suffered extensive injuries to his face and legs.
He arrived for the presentation today in a wheelchair pushed by family members and
Major Dicomitis presented the 10-year-old with a jersey autographed by Rob
Gronkowski while the 11-year-old was given a jersey signed by Julian Edelman.
The autographed jerseys were donated by Steve Barbato of Stevie B Sports in Warwick,
who said he was moved by the story of what happened to the boys and their families
so he offered to donate the shirts. «I wanted to make sure they had some joy in
their lives because every kid deserves to smile at Christmas,» he said.
Mr. Barbato said he brought the shirts to Edgewood Gallery in Cranston to have them
framed, and the owner, Ron Caracchio, donated the labor and materials to have them
framed and ready for the presentation today.
The boys arrived for today’s presentation accompanied by family members, friends and
several teammates from the West Elmwood Intruders who cheered loudly when the shirts
were presented to them in front of several cameras and microphones from local news
Major Dicomitis also brought toys from the Kids, Cops and Christmas campaign that
were given to the boys and their siblings, as well as other deserving children who
are members of the South Side Boys and Girls Club.