Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation

In accordance with Governor Raimondo’s March 28, 2020 executive order, the Department of Business Regulation is providing the following list of critical and non-critical retail businesses.
For questions on these guidelines, please submit your questions online to the Department of Business Regulation using the web form available at https://dbr.ri.gov/critical/. You may also call
the Department of Business Regulation at 401-889-5550
Additional guidance:
– Restaurants and bars may continue to operate only for pickup, drive-through, and
delivery as per the Governor’s Executive Order 20-04.
– All critical retail employers are required to implement social distancing and to work from
home to the extent possible.
– Financial services offered by pawn shops and payday lenders would be allowed to
continue. In-person retail at pawn shops would be considered non-critical and closed.
– For stores that are mixed retail and service, general retail with customers coming in and
out of your store is not permitted.
– For non-critical retail stores, although in-person retail sales are not allowed, retailers may
continue to receive and ship orders made by phone or online.