The Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence Hosts Instagram Contest and Tweet Chat to Promote Teen Dating Violence Prevention

know what love is
WARWICK –To raise awareness about Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence (RICADV) has been hosting an Instagram contest throughout February that promotes healthy relationships. Using the hashtag #KNOWwhatloveis, Rhode Island residents between the ages of 12 and 24 can post photos to the RICADV’s Instagram account (@nomoreri) to help the community recognize what healthy love looks like.
The contest closes on Thursday, February 20. The first place winner will receive a grand prize of $250 cash! Second and third prize are $150 and $100, respectively.
On Tuesday, February 25, the RICADV will facilitate a Tweet Chat from 4-5 p.m., when the organization will announce its three Instagram contest winners. The goal of the Tweet Chat is to encourage young people in Rhode Island to have open, honest conversations with one another about dating violence. The RICADV will share winning Instagram photos during the Tweet Chat to help foster dialogue about healthy relationship dynamics.
Digital dating violence, including abuse perpetrated via social media platforms, is increasingly common among Rhode Island youth. The RICADV learned about the prevalence of this type of abuse by collaborating with local teens from Young Voices, a Rhode Island-based non-profit, on a broadcast Public Service Announcement that debuted earlier this month. Because this type of dating violence is so pervasive, it is important to teach young people how these tools can be used in harmful ways but also how these technologies can help challenge abusive behaviors if they are used to promote and actualize healthy relationship behaviors instead.
Through its digital campaign strategy, the RICADV aims to educate young Rhode Islanders of their own power and potential to help end and prevent dating and domestic violence in Rhode Island. The community needs its young people to become active bystanders – to KNOW when to speak up and when to ask for help. It is the hope of the RICADV; its campaign committee consisting of representatives from the RICADV’s six local agencies (Blackstone Valley Advocacy Center, Domestic Violence Resource Center of South County, Elizabeth Buffum Chace Center, Sojourner House, the Women’s Center of Rhode Island, and the Women’s Resource Center); and its task force of dating and domestic violence survivors, SOAR (Sisters Overcoming Abusive Relationships), that youth throughout the state will not only participate in these digital initiatives but will also feel empowered to take action within their own social circles and communities if they see, hear or learn about abuse.
To support dating violence prevention, individuals can text NOMORE to 80880 to give.