Rep. Nardolillo Calls on Governor Raimondo to Reverse Lincoln Chaffee Executive Order on Illegals
STATE HOUSE – Representative Robert A. Nardolillo III (R-District 28 Coventry) has
penned a letter to Rhode Island Governor Gina M. Raimondo calling upon her to
reverse former Governor Lincoln Chafee’s 2014 executive order on immigration, which
permits Rhode Island to harbor illegal immigrants, making it a virtual sanctuary
In 2014, Governor Lincoln Chafee signed an executive order, protecting illegal
immigrants. The policy states that agents of the Rhode Island executive branch
shall not detain an individual pursuant to an ICE Detainer, unless ICE has obtained
a judicial order of deportation or removal from the United States for the
individual. An «ICE Detainer» means a civil immigration detainer issued by U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement («ICE»), a component of the Department of
Homeland Security, pursuant to 8 C.F.R. § 287.7.
«I have written a letter to Governor Raimondo, calling upon her to reverse Governor
Chafee’s executive order, which makes Rhode Island a sanctuary state for illegals,
cutting into valuable resources for Rhode Island taxpayers who are already
overburdened with taxes,» said Representative Nardolillo. «If any person is in the
United States or Rhode Island illegally, our country and our state should provide
the opportunity for legal citizenship, otherwise they should be subject to our state
and federal laws.»
Representative Nardolillo went on to say, «Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza has come
out publically, saying he will protect undocumented immigrants from any mandate by
President-elect Donald Trump to deport illegals. If President-elect Trump develops
a policy to deport illegals, following his inauguration, I want to know if Governor
Raimondo will honor the President’s deportation policy or defy it, as Mayor Elorza
has stated he would do.»