Rep. Diaz, World Diabetes Day team raise money for charitable organizations

STATE HOUSE – Rep. Grace Diaz (D-Dist. 11, Providence) met with Rhode Island’s World
Diabetes Day team today to make check presentations to three charitable
organizations. It was the culmination of a fund-raising campaign by the World
Diabetes Day organization.
members of the World Diabetes Day organization, present checks to representatives of
the Rhode Island Free Clinic, Clinica Esperanza and Camp Surefire
Rep. Grace Diaz (D-Dist. 11, Providence), front, third from right, along with other
members of the World Diabetes Day organization, present checks to representatives of
the Rhode Island Free Clinic, Clinica Esperanza and Camp Surefire
The first group is the Rhode Island Free Clinic, which provides comprehensive health
care and wellness services to uninsured, low-income adults through a statewide corps
of volunteer medical professionals and health partners.
The second group is Clinica Esperanza, which provides free, high-quality medical
care to predominantly Latino uninsured adults living in Rhode Island.
The third group is Camp Surefire, an overnight camp program specifically designed
for children and teens with Type 1 diabetes.
The three groups each received a check for $2,556.33 – or one-third of the funds
Representative Diaz, who also serves as a diabetes educator, said it’s important to
shed light on the growing number of minority groups affected by the disease. The
Department of Health estimates that 109,693, or approximately one in 10 Rhode
Islanders has diabetes. Of that number, only 58,084 know they have it.
«As a diabetes educator, I am aware of the struggle many of these patients go
through when they are diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes,» the representative
said. «I am also aware of the growing problem in our minority communities, where
information about the effects of this disease may not be as accessible as it should
be. I am hoping this event will change that, and give people an opportunity to learn
about support opportunities and prevention.»
World Diabetes Day (WDD) is celebrated every year on Nov. 14 in order to keep the
terrible illness in the public spotlight. Representative Diaz organizes the event
every year at the Rhode Island State House. This year’s event was coordinated in
partnership with Novo Nordisk, Rhode Island Foundation, Healthcentric Advisors,
Neighborhood Health Plan of RI, United Health, the city of Providence Healthy
Communities, Charter Care Health partners, YMCA of Greater Providence, Sodexo, Chef
Frank Terranova of Johnson & wales University, Chef Dana Herbert, the office of the
Lieutenant Governor and the Rhode Island Department of Health.