Reed Statement on Iran Nuclear Agreement

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, issued the following statement regarding the Iran nuclear agreement:
“This agreement demonstrates the power of American-led diplomacy and establishes a strict and robust monitoring and verification system. If fully implemented, this deal will help control Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon.
“As President Obama points out, the accord is not built on trust, but on verification. Any attempt by Iran to break the rules or covertly pursue nuclear weapons must be met with swift, forceful, and decisive action by the United States and the international community.
“It has taken nearly two years of persistent, rigorous negotiations to reach this point. President Obama and his negotiating team – at every echelon, including our scientists and nuclear experts – deserve the nation’s thanks.
“In the weeks ahead, Congress has a solemn obligation to carefully review the details of this historic agreement and to independently confirm that we are meeting our common goal of stopping Iran from building a nuclear weapon and making our nation, and the world, a safer place.”
Now that an agreement between the P5+1 group (the United States, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, plus Germany) and Iran has been reached, Congress will have a 60-day window to review the agreement. The 60-day clock will begin once a number of documents, including certifications from the Director of National Intelligence, are submitted to the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives, which could take place in the coming days.