Reed Highlights Over $7M in Federal Preparedness Grants Available for RI Federal funds available to help RI emergency responders prepare, plan, and practice for disasters of all kinds

WASHINGTON, DC – In an effort to ensure that Rhode Island’s emergency responders and
their federal partners are prepared to react to a range of crises and security
challenges — from plane crashes to natural disasters to a mass-shooting – U.S.
Senator Jack Reed today announced that the state is eligible for over $7 million in
federal national preparedness funds.
The Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency (RIEMA), which administers the funds
from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the U.S. Department of
Transportation (USDOT), is holding Preparedness Grant roll-out meetings to outline
the application process on March 29 in Lincoln and on April 1 in Portsmouth for
interested parties, which may include State, local, and tribal governments, as well
as nonprofit organizations and the private sector. The state and eligible partners
must submit their applications to FEMA by April 25, 2016 and final allocations
should be determined by the last week of June.
«Whether it is a snowstorm, a hurricane, or some other large scale disaster,
preparedness is critical and these federal funds are a smart investment in enhancing
the state’s emergency response capabilities,» said Senator Reed, a member of the
Senate Appropriations Committee. «I commend RIEMA and all our first responders for
the excellent work they do to enhance safety. It is critical that we provide them
with the resources they need to adequately prepare, plan, and train for all kinds of
disasters and hazards.»
Rhode Island is eligible for up to $3,734,500 in in federal funding from the State
Homeland Security Program (SHSP), $3,306,975 through the Emergency Management
Performance Grant Program (EMPG), as well as funds through the Hazardous Materials
Emergency Preparedness Grant (HMEP).
Through his work on the Appropriations Committee, Senator Reed helped make $402
million available nationwide for SHSP, $350.1 million for EMPG, as well as over
$28.3 million for HMEP in the fiscal year 2016 Omnibus Appropriations law.
These federal preparedness grants are targeted to help state and local agencies and
organizations prepare for, respond to, and recover from regional and national
emergencies, disasters, and mass-casualty events, in addition to providing for
enhanced training and the purchase of essential equipment.
For more information on each grant and guidance for how to apply, visit: or
For questions about the grant roll-out meetings, please contact RIEMA’s Grants
Coordinator at: (401) 462-7063.