Red Cross Offers 10 Tips to Help Keep Trick or Treaters Safe this Halloween

PROVIDENCE, RI, (October 22, 2019)— Halloween is just days away, one of the most popular holidays in this country. Little witches, ghosts, pirates and super heroes will soon take to the streets for trick or treat fun, and the American Red Cross Rhode Island has tips to help everyone stay safe while enjoying the festivities.
“Halloween is a fun time for everyone and we want to make sure you all stay safe while enjoying it,” said Stefanie Arcangelo, chief communications officer, American Red Cross, Connecticut and Rhode Island Region. “Here are the top ways for parents to keep the kids safe while getting ready for Trick or Treat.»
- Make sure trick-or-treaters can see and be seen.
- Use face makeup instead of masks. Masks can make it hard to see.
- Give kids a flashlight to light their way.
- Add reflective tape to costumes and trick-or-treat bags.
- Have everyone wear light-colored clothing.
- Use flame-resistant costumes.
- Plan the trick-or-treat route in advance – make sure adults know where their children are going. A parent or responsible adult should accompany young children door-to-door in neighborhoods.
- It’s not only vampires and monsters people have to look out for. Be cautious around animals, especially dogs.
- Walk, don’t run.
- Only visit homes that have a porch light on. Accept treats at the door – never go inside.
- Walk only on the sidewalks, not in the street.
- If no sidewalk is available, walk at the edge of the roadway, facing traffic.
- Look both ways before crossing the street, and cross only at the corner.
- Don’t cut across yards or use alleys.
- Don’t cross between parked cars.
- Use extra caution if driving. The youngsters are excited and may forget to look both ways before crossing.
- Make sure a grown-up checks the goodies before eating.
- Make sure to remove loose candy, open packages and choking hazards.
- Discard any items with brand names that you are not familiar with.
And finally, for those planning to welcome trick-or-treaters to their homes, follow these safety steps:
- Light the area well so young visitors can see.
- Sweep leaves from your sidewalks and steps. Clear your porch or front yard of obstacles someone could trip over.
Download the free Red Cross First Aid App for instant access to expert advice in case your ghost, goblin or super hero has a mishap. Use the Emergency App for weather alerts and to let others know you are safe if severe weather occurs. Find these and all of the Red Cross apps in smartphone app stores by searching for the American Red Cross or going to