Raimondo’s Statement on Rhode Island’s Unemployment Rate

ROVIDENCE, RI – Governor Gina M. Raimondo today released the following statement
on Rhode Island’s latest jobs and unemployment data:
«Eleven hundred more Rhode Islanders are employed this month than last month, and
more Rhode Islanders are working today than at any point since June 2008. We need
to keep doing more, but this is encouraging news and shows that businesses are taking
a fresh look at Rhode Island. Since January, the Commerce Corporation’s real estate
incentives, including Rebuild RI, have leveraged nearly $400 million in private
investment and the Qualified Jobs economic incentive is helping to create nearly
500 jobs in the state.
«Other initiatives are helping position Rhode Island for sustained, long-term growth.
Our effort to bring computer science to every school in Rhode Island by the end
of 2017 is working. More than half of our schools already have a program in place
– putting us five months ahead of schedule. And just yesterday we set a goal that
by 2025, when the kids who were born this year hit third grade, three out of four
third graders will be reading at grade level – double the current rate. This is
the momentum we need to keep going to drive better results for our economy and our
state’s future.»