Raimondo Signs Bills Supporting Workers, Small Businesses

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo signed into law
legislation passed this year that supports Rhode Island workers and small businesses.
The bills aim to assist employees in collecting wages from nonpaying employers and
position the state to track data on microbusinesses in order to understand and meet
their needs.
The signing ceremony was held at the Algonquin House in Providence. The Governor
was joined by members of the General Assembly and the business community.
Senator Juan M. Pichardo (D-Dist. 2)
Representative Jean Philippe Barros (D-Dist. 59)
Senator Donna M. Nesselbush (D-Dist. 15)
Representative K. Joseph Shekarchi (D-Dist. 23)
Bills signed for the following legislation:
Requires the Department of Administration to compile data and submit an annual report to the Governor and General Assembly about micro businesses
Bill: S2688A
Sponsor: Senator Pichardo
Grants employees several additional avenues to help them collect their wages from nonpaying employers
Bills: H7628, S2475
Sponsors: Representative Shekarchi, Senator Nesselbush