Raimondo Appoints Major Oscar Perez to Rhode Island Parole Board

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo has appointed Major Oscar Perez to the Rhode Island Parole Board.
«The Rhode Island Parole Board is vital to our criminal justice system,» Raimondo said. «I am pleased to appoint Major Oscar Perez to the Parole Board and am confident he will be an excellent addition. Major Perez comes in with a strong background in law enforcement and is committed to working with community partners to build ties between law enforcement and Rhode Islanders.»
«I am honored to be selected to serve on the Parole Board,» Major Perez said. «It is an important tool for improving criminal justice in our state, and I look forward to working with the board to continue to serve the people of Rhode Island.»
Major Perez is the Providence Police Department’s Commanding Officer of Patrol Bureau Operations. He has previously served in the Patrol Bureau and as a Detective in the Youth Services Bureau, the Intelligence and Special Services Division, the Gang Intervention Unit, the Neighborhood Response Team, the Community Policing Bureau and the Narcotics and Organized Crime Bureau. He has degrees in Criminal Justice from Roger Williams University and an MA in Criminal Justice from Boston University.
Major Perez will be replacing Deputy Chief Tom Verdi, who has resigned from the Law Enforcement slot.
«I want to thank Deputy Chief Tom Verdi for his dedication and commitment to the state as part of the Parole Board,» Raimondo said. «I wish him all the best in his future endeavors.»
The Parole Board is composed of seven members appointed by the Governor. As per state law, the Board evaluates and considers the conditional early release of incarcerated offenders who have been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of more than six months.