Providence Children’s Museum close to the public

As a result of the Providence State of Emergency declaration and acting with an abundance of caution, the Providence Children’s Museum will close to the public at the close of business Friday, March 13 until Friday, April 3. PCM will continue to monitor the quickly evolving situation and will re-evaluate this decision regularly. We did not want to close, but we felt that we must act quickly in the best interests of our entire community. When it is prudent, we will enthusiastically welcome our community back to play, make, and learn. We know that birthday parties, family gatherings and cultural connections are important to our families and we will work to reschedule events impacted by the closure. In the meantime, stay tuned for some opportunities for virtual engagement. With the short-term closure, staff will be working on future program development, project work, and ways to stay deeply connected to our communities. These steps will ensure that families can return to the Museum knowing that our priority is that everyone can come play, come make and come learn at the Providence Children’s Museum. We are committed to the safety and wellness of our museum community and will keep you informed, as necessary, regarding this evolving situation. Sincerely, |
Caroline PaysonExecutive DirectorProvidence Children’s Museum |