Providence Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day Mayor Elorza Hosts Celebration at City Hall Featuring Traditional Irish Music and Dance


PROVIDENCE, RI – The Irish flag accompanied by drums, bagpipes and traditional Irish
dance welcomed guests at Providence City Hall today as Mayor Jorge O. Elorza hosted
the annual St. Patrick’s Day celebration.

“The Irish-American community has been a driving force in Providence’s history and
continued growth,” said Mayor Elorza. “I am pleased to join you in celebrating St.
Patrick’s Day and continue one of our City’s most beloved traditions.”

Scott MacKay, Political Analyst, Rhode Island Public Radio, served as keynote
speaker for the formal celebration which took place on the second and third floors
of City Hall. The ceremony featured an invocation from Reverend Thomas More Garrett,
O.P., musical performances from the Providence Police Bagpipe and Drum Corps, The
Vox Hunters, Zoe Cute, and a traditional step-dance by the Goulding School of Irish

Mayor Elorza presented the Providence St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee with a
citation recognizing their contribution to the City and honored this year’s Grand
Marshal, Providence Police Chief, Colonel Hugh Clements. The annual St. Patrick’s
Day Parade, as well as Tour de Patrick road race, will be held this Saturday, March

The formal ceremony was followed by a reception in the Alderman’s Chamber featuring
traditional Irish fare.

State Senator Maryellen Goodwin, Representative Daniel McKiernan, Councilman Michael
Correia, Councilman Terrence Hassett and Councilwoman Jo-Ann Ryan served as Honorary
Co-Chairs for the celebration.
