Mayor Diossa introduces Dr. Michael Fine as Community Health Advisor Former RI Dept. of Health Director to strengthen culture of health in the city

 Mayor Diossa introduces Dr. Michael Fine as Community Health Advisor Former RI Dept. of Health Director to strengthen culture of health in the city

Central Falls – As part of the city’s ongoing efforts to promote a culture of health
in the community, Mayor James Diossa announced today the arrival of Dr. Michael Fine
as Community Health Advisor to the city. Formerly the Director of the Rhode Island
Department of Health, Dr. Fine will work with city departments, community
organizations and healthcare partners to improve the health and well-being of all
Central Falls residents.

«I’m excited to announce the recent addition of Dr. Fine to our team as we work to
make Central Falls a healthier community,» said Mayor James A. Diossa. «I consider
bringing Dr. Fine aboard to be a big win for the city and he has already hit the
ground running, helping secure grant funding from the Rhode Island Foundation for
two community health workers. It is a goal of mine to promote a culture of health in
the city that will have a positive impact upon our residents.»

As the city’s Health Policy advisor, Dr. Fine has begun working with city emergency
medical services (EMS) to help all city residents understand how to use primary
care; working with the school department to address the adolescent pregnancy rate;
working with Parks and Recreation and the Pawtucket YMCA on promoting physical
activity for residents, and working with public safety officials and others on
reducing substance abuse and on preventing drug overdoses; working with Center for
Disease control (CDC) and Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) on preventing
the spread of HIV in the city. Additionally, Dr. Fine will work with community
healthcare partners Blackstone Valley Community Health Care (BVCHC), Memorial
Hospital, Pawtucket YMCA, Progreso Latino, and the RI Council of Churches to create
the first Neighborhood Health Station in the country.

«Health is created when people in communities take care of one another. Central
Falls is a place where community matters. I’m thrilled to be able to work with
Mayor Diossa and everyone in Central Falls to develop a culture of health, healthy
children, healthy families, and a healthy future,» said Dr. Michael Fine. «I’m proud
to be able to lend my expertise to the Mayor and together develop Central Falls into
the healthiest place in Rhode Island and one of the healthiest places in the U.S.»

Dr. Fine is a family physician and community organizer. He is a graduate of
Haverford College and Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, and
completed a residency in Family Medicine at the Brown University/Memorial Hospital
Residency Program in Family Medicine in Pawtucket. He practiced Family Medicine in
Pawtucket and in Scituate for many years, before becoming the Medical Program
Director of the Rhode Island Department of Corrections and the Director of the Rhode
Island Department of Health. He is also the Senior Clinical and Population Health
Officer for Blackstone Valley Health Care, Inc.
