Make your gift to LPR today!


Feliz Navidad! Felices Pascuas! Felices Fiestas!

This year LPR’s year-end pledge drive starts December 14th and it will conclude December 31st with a goal of $30,000.

Throughout 2015, LPR’s objective was to serve you and our community. We did that by keeping you and the community informed, empowered and connected by broadcasting the following:

 4,000 Local News Cast of 3 minutes
 1,560 segments of news including press conferences
 208 one hour of educational programming
 56 Talk shows of 3 hours each of political and issues concerning our community
 Over 2,000 Local Public Service Announcements
 Live remotes from local community forums and events
 Invite local high school students to tour our studios and learn about public radio

LPR is completely reliant on charitable donations in order to be able to continue to provide this kind of programming and connection to our community we ask you to remember Latino Public Radio with a charitable gift in support of our important work during this Christmas season.

THANK YOU for your continuous support of LPR throughout the years and for believing in our mission to empower and strengthen Latino communities from the ground up! We couldn’t do what we do without you. Your generosity matters.

You can also make your donation by phone with a credit card, visit – and click on “Donate Now” or send a check to 1246 Cranston Street, Cranston, RI 02920.

With our sincere gratitude
