The Rhode Island State Police, Rhode Island Police Chiefs’ Association, the Rhode Island Office of Attorney General, Rhode Island Department of Public Safety, and the United States Attorney’s Office were at John Rollins Recreation Center in Providence to kick off the Kids, Cops & Christmas event.
The Rhode Island State Police, the Rhode Island Police Chiefs’ Association, the Rhode Island Office of the Attorney General, Rhode Island Department of Public Safety, the United States Attorney’s Office, and the law enforcement and business community will help brighten the upcoming holiday season for many children, who are clients of Crossroads Rhode Island, A Children’s Friend, the Hispanic Ministerial Association of Rhode Island, Partnership to Address Violence Through Education (PAVE), the Center for Southeast Asians, the Multi Service Center for All, Mt. Hope Neighborhood Association, African Alliance, Family Service of Rhode Island, the Chad Brown Alumni Association.
Law enforcement officers throughout Rhode Island have been invited to attend this holiday event and will bring unwrapped gifts to fulfill a wish for children, who may otherwise be forgotten this holiday season. Our goal is “1,000 presents for 1,000 children” and to provide a positive Christmas experience for them. This is the eighth year Rhode Island law enforcement has participated in this program. Several Rhode Island businesses also was present with their donations of toys.