House Republicans Tank Bill to Reopen Government While Border Security Negotiations Continue


Longest government shutdown in history will continue as Coast Guard members miss their first paychecks


WASHINGTON – Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) issued the following statement after voting in favor of H. J. Res. 27, a bill that would reopen the government through February 1 to allow for continued border security negotiations:


“The Trump shutdown is now the longest in American history, and thanks to the President and his Republican colleagues, there is no end in sight. Today, the brave members of our Coast Guard missed their first paychecks, putting 332 Rhode Island families in the untenable position of wondering whether they will be able to pay their bills.


“My Democratic colleagues and I believe in strong border security. However, we have a simple message for the President: we can debate how best to protect our border after we reopen the government. Today’s bill would have allowed us two weeks for negotiations without holding federal employees and American families hostage over an unnecessary border wall. Sadly, House Republicans, taking direction from the President, chose to oppose the bill and prolong the shutdown.”
