Gerardo Castellanos, Seekonk resident wins an Indian Motorcycle in the IUPAT DC35’s Annual STAR Awards

IUPAT DC35 Annual Star Event draws thousands of union members and their families, including special guest speakers Senator Elizabeth Warren and Gubernatorial Candidate Jay Gonzalez.

«We have been holding the STAR Event for over 20 years now,» said Jeff Sullivan, Business Manager of IUPAT DC35. «This is our way of not only giving back to the membership but also keeping them safe. We care about the continued education of our membership to make them the best qualified, highly-skilled workers in the finishing trades industry.»
This year over 1800 members and their families were in attendance.
About District Council 35: District Council 35 has a history of doing charity projects to support the community. Their organization branches and members have done work in public schools, churches, shelters, youth organizations, organized hurricane relief, and collaborated in support of numerous community groups around New England. District Council 35 is an organization of approximately 4000 members in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Island affiliated with the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades. District Council 35 is committed to serving the interests of their members and all workers who hope to join. DC 35 is determined to ensure the best wages and benefits in the industries. The organization’s mission is to represent members for purposes of collective bargaining, to organize workers in a variety of occupations, and to advocate for workers and their families. For more information about IUPAT DC35, please visit