Fred Humphries. Corporate Vice President of Microsoft visits Central Falls High School CS4RI and the Microsoft TEALS program

LPR News Special Report TEALS program
Raimondo and Microsoft Corporate Vice President Fred Humphries speak to students in the TEALS program at Central Falls High School
Press Q&A
CENTRAL FALLS, R.I. – Microsoft Corporate Vice President Fred Humphries, joined by Governor Gina M. Raimondo, Central Falls Mayor James Diossa and Rhode Island Chief Innovation Officer Richard Culatta, visited the Microsoft TEALS classroom at Central Falls High School.
Humphries’ visit highlights Rhode Island’s place as a national leader in computer science education, as the state continues to roll out its CS4RI initiative that aims to offer computer science in every public school by December 2017. Already, the program is four months ahead of schedule, with more than half of Rhode Island schools offering computer science opportunities.
«These skills are the ticket to a good job, and I don’t want any of our kids to be left behind. No matter the zip code, we need to prepare every student to have a chance in the 21st century economy»,said Raimondo.
Raimondo asks students about their coding project