DNC on Taking Back the House of Representatives


DNC Chair Tom Perez issued the following statement after Democrats took back the House:


“The Democratic Party is back.


“Nothing is more powerful than the voice of the American people, and they spoke out loud and clear: Donald Trump does not stand for our values, the Republican Party has failed to hold him accountable, and it’s time for bold Democratic leadership in Washington.


“We won back the House because our candidates had a clear message for working families and refused to let Trump and the GOP distract us from the issues that matter most. Democrats believe that health care is a right for all. We believe that the economy should work for everyone, not just those at the top. We believe in protecting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, not tearing holes in the safety net in order to enrich those already at the top. We believe that diversity is our strength, and that there is no justification for the brutality of separating immigrant children from their parents. And we believe that facts matter.


“Democrats put hope on the ballot, and we never backed down from our values of inclusion and opportunity, because we know that those are not only our party’s values, they’re America’s values. The new Democratic House is going to get to work restoring sanity to our government, holding Trump accountable, and working to build a brighter future for all Americans.


“I’m proud of the work my team at the DNC has done this cycle, and I especially want to congratulate Leader Pelosi, DCCC Chair Ben Ray Lujan, and all of the Democratic leaders, organizers, volunteers, and voters – especially women – who are working tirelessly to deliver tonight’s results.


“Over the last year, the new DNC built an infrastructure to compete everywhere by investing in our state parties, data and tech, and expanding our ground game like never before. We got back to basics and reinstituted the 50-state strategy that helped us win in the past and regained the trust of voters all across this country. But we didn’t do this alone. We worked closely with our progressive partners to elect leaders with our shared values. And we’re just getting started. We’re going to keep organizing, mobilizing, and fighting. We’re going to keep investing in Democrats from the school board to the Oval Office, and that’s how we’re going to take back the Senate and the White House in 2020.”
