DEM Announces New Emergency Closure of Shellfishing Areas in Point Judith Pond and Potters Pond

PROVIDENCE – The Department of Environmental PROVIDENCE – The Department of Environmental Management announces that due to anticipated unacceptable water quality resulting from this weekend’s. 5.26″ of rainfall, all approved waters of Point Judith Pond and Potters Pond will be closed to shellfishing beginning at noon on Monday, March 31.
Due to excess runoff as a result of intense rainfall, these coastal ponds will remain closed until further information and/or test results indicate these waters are safe for shellfishing.
All aquaculturists in areas where emergency shellfish closures have been enacted will be allowed access to their leases to conduct necessary maintenance/retrieval of their equipment. All other activities on the aquaculture lease, including but not limited to the harvest of shellfish, will remain prohibited until the water quality is acceptable to allow for harvest. Aquaculturists that intend to conduct maintenance and/or retrieval of their equipment under this emergency authorization are required to notify Dave Beutel, CRMC’s Aquaculture Coordinator by leaving a message at 783-3370.
DEM maintains a 24-hour shellfishing hotline with recorded updated information on shellfish closure areas. That number is 222-2900