The Cranston police said good-bye to Bosco the retired police dog with a final salute

Cranston – Today was a solemn day for the Cranston Police Department as they said their final goodbye to K-9 Bosco. It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that today, K-9 Bosco was laid to rest. Bosco received a traditional police escort to Final Gift Cremations, 2 Daniels Way, Cranston. There was a viewing for family and friends. This viewing was private out of respect for K-9 Officer Gregg Bruno and his family.
K-9 Bosco received a final salute from all the men and women of the Cranston Police Department who worked so close and touched so many. Members of the Cranston Police stood at attention outside lining the curb as the final escort passed by. As they passed by the «final call» was broadcast for K-9 Bosco.
Colonel Michael Winquist stated «K-9 Bosco was the loyal partner of handler Officer Gregg Bruno. His dedicated service to the citizens of Cranston spanned from April 2008 until July, 20, 2015 when he retired.
Bosco was a nationally certified police dog who was trained in narcotics detection, tracking, evidence recovery and obedience and was certified through the North American Police Work Dog Association. During his seven year career, Bosco was directly responsible for the seizure of over$600,000 worth of illegal narcotics, property and United States currency derived from illicit activity. In 2012, he was responsible for locating a firearm that had been used in a homicide in the Town of West Warwick. Keep in mind the firearm had been buried three feet below the frozen earth. The seizure of the murder weapon was crucial in the successful prosecution of the suspect who is now serving a 26 year prison sentence. Another of K-9 Bosco’s biggest contribution was the thousands of lives he touched while visiting schools and other civic functions where children proudly wore their «I met Bosco today» stickers. Equally as important is the role that Bosco has played interacting with the residents of the city. Officer Bruno and Bosco were very much involved with Family Safety Days, the Boy Scout and Girl Scout programs and the Citizen’s Police Academy just to name a few. Through the year’s Bosco has served as an educational tool for numerous students ranging from Pre-K through high school as part of the department’s DARE program. During that time, Officer Bruno has been referred to as «Bosco’s Dad», a title that has made him rightfully proud to hold until this day. He will be sadly missed.
His fellow officers gave him a hero’s sendoff with a final drive by Cranston Police Headquarters