Central Falls Police Co-Host the Thirty-third Anniversary of National Night Out

CENTRAL FALLS – The Central Falls Police Department in conjunction with other municipal agencies, community members, businesses and neighborhood organizations will be hosting the 33rd Annual National Night Out on Tuesday, August 2, 2016. The venue for this year’s event will be historic Jenks Park which is located on Broad Street adjacent to Central Falls City Hall. The festivities are scheduled to begin at 4:00pm and conclude by 8:00pm.
National Night Out was established in 1984 with funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), U.S. Department of Justice. The program is administered by the National Association of Town Watch, a nationwide organization dedicated to the development, maintenance, and protection of community-based, law enforcement affiliated crime prevention activities.
National Night Out was developed as a crime prevention program that emphasizes building a partnership between the police and the community. Community involvement in crime prevention is generated through a multitude of local events throughout the country, such as block parties, cookouts, parades, contests, youth activities and seminars.
National Night Out crime prevention activities have increased from 2.5 million people in 400 communities in 1984 to more than 37.8 million people in 16,124 communities nationwide as last reported in 2013. The event is therefore a great opportunity for our city to promote police-community partnerships, crime prevention, and neighborhood camaraderie.
While this one night is certainly not an answer to crime, drugs and violence, National Night Out represents the kind of spirit, energy and determination to help make Central Falls a safer place year round.