VOA News By Matt Haines NEW ORLEANS, LA. – Maintaining a balanced diet has never been easy in Desire, a predominantly African American neighborhood in New Orleans, Louisiana, but it has become nearly impossible during the pandemic. “We’ve always had inequality problems to deal with, but coronavirus has made it worse,” high school junior Chrishana […]readmore
Hasta el martes, más de dos tercios de los fallecidos eran residentes de hogares de ancianos.readmore
164 personas más dieron positivo para COVID-19, lo que equivale al 8,6% de las casi 2.000 pruebas que se realizaron en las últimas 24 horas. Alrededor de 95,000 habitantes de Rhode Island han sido examinados para detectar coronavirus desde el 1 de marzo, y más de 11,000 han dado positivo.readmore
Hubo 176 nuevos casos positivos reportados el lunes, aproximadamente el 8% de los 2,119 resultados de las pruebas totales realizadasreadmore
WOONSOCKET, R.I.: The City of Woonsocket recognizes the need for greater COVID-19 testing. To advance that goal, the City’s Public Safety Division has worked closely with the Governor’s office and the Rhode Island Department of Health to develop a plan that best serves our residents. The State has identified Thundermist Health Center as a local […]readmore
Gives RIDOH Authority to Enforce Public Health Directives Governor Gina M. Raimondo today signed an executive order officially lifting Rhode Island’s stay-at-home order. The order gives the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) the ability to enforce public health guidelines and business regulations, including by levying fines against individuals or businesses. COVID-19 Data Update RIDOH announced 249 […]readmore
VOA News by Rafael Salido En las últimas horas, diversos medios han asegurado que el Gobierno está planeando desmantelarlo. Algunas voces temen que el presidente Trump prefiera dejarse guiar por economistas que por científicos para acometer la reactivación del país cuanto antes. WASHINGTON — El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, confirmó este martes que la […]readmore