Rhode Island – Jeannine Giovanni, MD is the director of bariatric surgery for Care New England. She is a board-certified general surgeon with advanced training in bariatric surgery. She did her surgery training at Boston Medical Center and completed a fellowship in bariatric surgery at Saint Francis Hospital in Hartford, CT. She has been practicing […]readmore
Kevin Enochs Congenital cataracts are estimated to be responsible for between 5 and 20 percent of all cases of blindness in children worldwide. Now scientists and doctors have discovered a new technique that not only removes the cataracts, but also stimulates a child’s own stem cells to regrow a functioning lens, restoring vision more completely […]readmore
Lisa Schlein GENEVA—International scientists and experts meeting at the World Health Organization agree on the urgency of developing vaccines and diagnostic tools to combat the Zika virus, which is being linked to microcephaly, a brain disorder in newborn babies.The three-day consultation is the first time experts in the fields of virology, immunology and related fields […]readmore
Jessica Berman A new strategy to prevent malaria, a disease that puts newborns at risk of death, offers hope that expectant mothers in malaria-endemic countries in Africa will be able to deliver healthy babies. The risk of pregnant women becoming infected with malaria is very high in developing African countries. Researchers say 60 percent of […]readmore
The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) announced today that the flu is «widespread» in Rhode Island, triggering the state’s requirement for unvaccinated healthcare workers in hospitals and many other types of healthcare facilities to wear surgical masks. «The masking requirement is critical in protecting healthcare workers from catching the flu, and also in protecting […]readmore
Rhode Island – The Care New England Health System Board of Directors today announces a restructuring at Memorial Hospital in response to the shifting national health care industry’s focus from inpatient hospital care to outpatient preventative and primary care. Memorial, which affiliated with Care New England in 2013, has operated for more than a century […]readmore
Children’s Cabinet Members to Outline Services for Children, Youth and Families Funded Through Raimondo’s FY17 Budget Proposal PROVIDENCE, R.I. (February 26, 2016) – The members of Governor Gina M. Raimondo’s Children’s Cabinet will outline the programs and services for children, youth and families supported in Raimondo’s FY17 budget proposal. Directors will discuss proposed agency appropriations […]readmore
Associated Press WASHINGTON—The Obama administration is moving ahead with a major project to learn how to better tailor treatments and preventive care to people’s genes, environment and lifestyle. As part of the Precision Medicine Initiative, the National Institutes of Health plans to be gathering data from at least 1 million volunteers by 2019, work that […]readmore
VOA News The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says it is investigating 14 new reports of Zika virus infection in the United States, all suspected to be sexually transmitted. The Atlanta-based CDC made the announcement Tuesday and said all of the 14 cases are women whose only known risk factor is sexual […]readmore
Jessica Berman Stroke is a brain attack caused either by a broken blood vessel that results in bleeding in the brain or, more commonly, a blockage by a blood clot or plaque. The blockage interrupts the flow of oxygen, and brain tissue dies. Stroke was the second-leading global cause of death behind heart disease in […]readmore